Tuesday, August 24, 2021

One (maybe last) more random thought on a move.


This has been an adventure to say the least. Taking chances all the way and dealing with difficulties pretty much all the time.
My Health challenges
The Heat
Razor thin budget
Questionable decisions
Bad roads
The list goes on but probably the worst part was a Portable Oxygen Concentrator that was trying to kill me.
I learned a few things along the way.
One of which was that twenty some odd bottles of water was probably not enough water. It was so hard though to keep hydrated. The (pos) POC. wouldn't let me get out out the truck and some people would rather walk right into a sign post rather that look at you when you ask them to do a good deed.
I learned that "Please help me" works better than "Hey, do me a favor"
I learned that a very low oxygen level may cause you to make poor choices of words. For example, "I'm disabled and require assistance with the gas pump" might have been better than, "Hey good looking, you want to come out here and pump this thing for me"
I learned that some, or at least one, younger looking peace officer preferred to be addressed with "good afternoon deputy"rather than " listen up kid".
Okay, I'm stretching my artistic licence a little with those last parts. It didn't go down exactly like that. Actually the clerk was a jerk who hung up when I asked IF I could get some help and I had to talk a deputy out of going in to arrest the clerk. He had been chatting with me and overheard the conversation.
I just had way too much time on the trip to imagine different ways things might have gone, say without the six hour waits for road service or the broken sway bar on the trailer maybe. I rather liked my alternative story so that's the one you got to read about.
Anyway, I'm here. I'm slowly getting settled in. I'll be saying good riddance to the evil oxygen machine at the UPS store in a little while and wish you all-
Happy Monday !

P.S. I did actually say "Hey Kid" to a cop at one point on the trip. I felt that his much older partner
needed a laugh and more importantly, that he'd have my back if need be. It worked out okay thank


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to more of your “stories”. They don’t have to be true either. Sometimes flights of fancy are more fun to read.
