Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Random Thoughts Part Two

                   Random Thought Number Two 

As I get closer to leaving there is less and less time for contemplation. On top of an extensive "To-Do" list there is still the need to deal with the mundane daily duties.

Things like showering, dishes and garbage take time and effort. Living with COPD often means that just those things alone are a struggle and I'm sometimes thrilled that I've done those AND swept the darn floor too.

So, yesterday I had two appts. at the VA. This is a big deal as it's at least a two hour trip each way. I checked my tires and oil and stuff the night before and set the garbage out so as to make it easy to head out in the morning. I put the bag on the hood of the truck and drove by the dumpster on the way out.

It all went according to plan. I took plenty of oxygen tanks and hopped in the truck feeling optimistic that the day would go well. Indeed it mostly did except for a wrong turn that made me a little late. I called and let them know and they implied that it might be a big problem. GASP - anxiety level through the roof !!!

I'm going to miss those guys at Bay Pines VA. The shuttle driver picked me up in about a minute and took me to the entrance. Then the son of a gun wheeled me inside ??? right up to the desk !!! The clinic people seemed delighted to see me. They took me in so quick I had pinch myself. 

But I digress...

Sebring and to an even greater extent Sebring Resort is one of those special places that doesn't leave those who live here unchanged. I'm certain that being here saved my life and possibly my sanity, but it almost killed me in different ways and more than a few times. The folks here are mostly incredibly sweet and nice and of course there are plenty who do not fit into either of those categories.

I'd say that this place has left a mark on me. 
Okay, several marks - lol
All in all I'd say the good marks will last and the bad ones are at worst, reasonably worthwhile learning opportunities. At best, the bad ones have been good for a chuckle or two, many giggles and several good strong belly laughs. 
The picture below is from yesterday morning. It's certainly a mark of the less that good kind but not one that will last except in a giggle and this blog post.
Can you guess what it is ?
Hint: Yes that's the hood of my truck.

The tendency to think of this as a typical "mark" of living here is tempting. But seriously, these marks wash right off and life is too short to take everything all that seriously, right ?

If you don't know what it is I'll drop the answer below.

Give up ?

It's  sʞɔɐɹʇ ʇoƃƃɐW 😱😎🤣

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